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Menstrual Cup
Menstrual panties

MonthlyCup Pink Pouch

$ 14.99

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Even your cup deserves a fancy bag from time to time ;)

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Imitation leather pouch in pink
Easy storage that protects your cup
One size fits all
Included with the purchase of a Black Pearl
A lovely, pink, Limited Edition pouch of imitation leather.

Customer Reviews


Thank you for making life easier for us women who travel a lot. Now I will be living on a boat for 6 months and save a lot of packing space from tampons, and can pack some more cute tops instead!


Like your cup a lot and especially in the summertime it's amazing! Thank you for offering the product!


Congratulations. A revolutionary product that more should have the chance to discover...

Together we have saved the earth 98971282 pads and tampons

On average, you use 12,000 tampons and pads in a lifetime - or SEVEN menstrual cups.
It makes a huge difference to the world's garbage!

Learn about our work in developing countries


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Team MonthlyCup