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Menstrual Cup
Menstrual panties

4 x MonthlyCup Cleaning tablets 2-pack

€ 17.99

Regular price: € 23.96
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WORLD NEW - Effective and gentle cleaning for your menstrual cup!

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Effectively kills bacteria
Removes discoloration
Naturliga ingredienser
Biologiskt nedbrytbar
Denna tablett dödar bakterier och avlägsnar missfärgningar från din menskopp. De är biologiskt nedbrytbara, består endast av naturliga ingredienser och är helt ofarliga för miljön! Bäst av allt är att tabletterna är tillverkade i Sverige precis som våra menskoppar. Schyssta villkor hela vägen.

Tabletterna innehåller: natriumperkarbonat och tabletteringskemikalier (exempelvis vegetabiliskt mjöl).

Kills bacteria

We tested the resistance of some of the most common vaginal bacteria by exposing them to MonthlyCup Cleaning tablets. The results are outstanding, the tablets killed all bacteria and spores!

Removes discoloration

The active ingredients in the tablet have an extra positive effect – they remove discoloration up to 100%. Use 2 times/year to maintain your cup.

World news

MonthlyCup is alone in the menstrual cup market to provide this product. A world news from Sweden!

Customer Reviews


Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary! I recently started using a menstrual cup and the only thing that I'm sad about is that I didn't
start with this sooner. It's amazingly great in every way!


According to me, there's only advantages to not have to use tampons and pads. I convice all my female friends to try a menstraul cup cause it's simply the best!


Congratulations to you and to the best thing after sliced bread!

Together we have saved the earth 100235860 pads and tampons

On average, you use 12,000 tampons and pads in a lifetime - or SEVEN menstrual cups.
It makes a huge difference to the world's garbage!

Learn about our work in developing countries


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Team MonthlyCup